Friday, May 28, 2010

Alivia's Last Day of Kindergarten!

Today was Alivia's last day of Kindergarten! It is so hard to believe that she has completed one year of school and will be ready for the 1st grade in the fall! Seriously, where does the time go?

What a year! She started at Standing Bear in OPS, ended at Bell in Papillion. She began school knowing her ABCs, writing her name and knowing a few words. Now she can read level 1 well and we hope to move towards level 2 readers this summer. I know I was not reading until the 1st grade! She learned about money and money's value, geography, and how to tell time. Seriously, I think I just learned the ABCs, my phone number and my address in the Kindergarten. Addison already knows those things NOW (either I was completely unintelligent or kids are expected to know way too many things at such young ages! Our brains can only develop so fast...gees!).  The transition to Bell was difficult, from finding new friends to starting a new semester with new ways of doing things. Alivia took it all in stride for the most part.

I was sad as we were approaching the school this morning, but I kept it to myself. Mostly sad that my little girl is getting so big! Alivia seemed fine until we reached Bell, and then she said she had bad feelings and thought she may cry. A teacher walked her in - which seemed to help her. I think Alivia just realized that today she had to say good-bye to her friends and Mrs. Sindelar for the summer! How sad!

As a special treat for a great school year, I took the kids to a park in Papillion meeting up with one of Alivia's Kindergarten friends and picking up Cousin Lucas, too. We played, had a picnic, and had some ice cream treats. It was so hot - a perfect introduction to summer! Addison just did not act right and slowly began to show signs of being sick. After the park, the kids played with Chris at home running through the sprinklers while I went to Holy Hour. We then went to get our van from the service center and pick up a pizza from dinner. After a full day, Addison and Asher were definitely sick. They both fell asleep in the car on the way home from getting the pizza. When we woke them, neither wanted to eat. Asher said he did, but rolled over and went back to sleep. Alivia ate dinner and fell asleep before 7! In this house, all of the kids being asleep before 9 is unheard of!

Alivia had an amazing year full of excitement. Congratulations on a great Kindergarten, Alivia! Now...onto the 1st Grade.

Alivia on her last day of KindergartenLast Day of KindergartenAt the park...Addi, Lucas, and AsherWatching the fishMore Fish cute!Out like a lightNight night...

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