Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year 2007!

It is so hard to believe another year has come and gone! It was a wonderful year for us full of blessings...especially one little one, Addison!

I wrote down the family goals for 2007 (goals we will achieve where resolutions are forgotten) and have 9! Most of these goals are something Chris or I or both have to do every day (like get and stay organized), and only two goals are something we can do and check off (like I would like to run a half marathon since my goal of running a full marathon has not happened yet). Running the 1/2 marathon obviously takes a lot of prep time, too, so is not an easy goal, either. I am hoping to do that goal with my friend Heather, who has run one before. Believe it or not, I am going to try to shop for only necessities this year. I am becoming more and more of a minimalist and shopping nonstop for little girls clothes, however big the bargain is, does not go with that thinking so much. We will see how I do on this goal because I love shopping! I am not sure Chris agrees with my minimalist thinking. He continues to beg for cable (yes, we just have basic cable) and the PS3 is definitely not in minimalist thinking.

Well, here is wishing a Happy New Year to you all! And may you all reach your goals in the New Year!

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Friday, December 29, 2006

Colds, fevers, chills, oh no!

Okay, did I leave anything out? This week I believe everyone, myself EXcluded, have experienced all of the symptoms of the common cold. Let's hope that is all that they have anyway. Alivia and Addison started getting sick last weekend and by Tuesday, Chris was sick, too. Somehow I have not gotten any of the yuck. Chris was home with the girls alone all week while I worked and he felt crummy. Addison refused to take the bottle all week, for whatever reason, which did not make Chris' week any easier. Hopefully everyone will be on the mend soon. Chris actually is out making a phamacy run for some OTC (over the counter) help.

For obvious reasons, we do not have any plans for the weekend or for New Years. I hope to get the tree down and put away tomorrow. Chris took down the outdoor lights earlier in the week since the weather is to be rainy all weekend. We just plan on playing more with all the girls' new toys and trying to get everyone to feeling better so we can get back to some sort of normal next week.

Oh, big news, Chris got his PS3! I guess I know what he will be doing this weekend! Yeah right...after Alivia is in bed maybe.

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Monday, December 25, 2006

Addison’s 1st Christmas

Family portrait 2006Alivia on her scooter12/25/06: The plasma carDaddy & AddisonThe tunnel systemSanta BabyHappy Birthday Jesus!

Addison’s 1st Christmas was a wonderful one…and a big day at that. We had to wake up the girls this morning to go to 9 AM Mass. I mistakenly thought it would be busy, so we arrived at 8 to find not a sole there! It was a beautiful Mass and really nice and quiet so we could actually enjoy it (unlike the Eve Mass’ we have attended in the past). Addison took a nice nap through Mass, and Alivia was pretty good in spite being there for 2 hours.


We arrived at home and were greeted by Aunt Nikki. My parents arrived soon after. We ate a little brunch before getting into all the presents. Alivia actually got tired after a while and just wanted to eat dinner. So, we took a break and went back to presents after dinner (and Addison took over a 2 hour nap!). Alivia liked her tunnel system, plasma car, scooter and wagon best (notice the size of all of these toys). Chris and I either have to build on to our home, buy a bigger home, or start finding smaller toys! Alivia now has many nice new toys to keep her busy, and Chris has the next week off work to help her play with them! Oh, that new Elmo doll is so funny! You can't help but laugh as the thing rolls on the floor in a giggling fit! Alivia is not sure what to think of it, though. Addison, still suffering from a really bad cold, did pretty well. She grabbed onto the wrapping paper and helped to unwrap. She likes her new pianos and this ball toy from Grandma and Boppa Graybill. She also has many new toys. We started our new tradition of making the Angel (angel food) cake for Jesus’ birthday. Alivia really liked that I think. We got our exercise tonight as Addison and I, on the plasma car, chased Alivia on the scooter. Addi really liked that and Alivia kept telling me to chase her more. I love that plasma car (although it needs to be bigger and have a pad on it!) They both went right to sleep tonight.


Tomorrow we will spend the day cleaning, playing and I will begin preparing for my return to work on Wednesday and my boss’ arrival on Thursday. We had a wonderful Christmas and I hope Addison enjoyed her first Christmas. She was my best gift of all this year along with the love from my family and friends.


Merry Christmas to all!

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Merry!


Grandma Jones
Tickle me Grandma
Addison & Samuel

I feel like I should post every couple days since we have so much going on. On Saturday, we met Grandma Jones and my parents out for lunch. It was a nice treat since we usually cook. Afterwards, I stopped at home and dropped Chris and Alivia off so she could take her nap and Addison and I took a trip to visit Grandpa Jones in the nursing home. He looked quite thin and was happy to see some Christmas goodies! Addison and I also stopped by Heather Dumas' house to drop off her presents. We did not get to stay since Addison and Kaidence were both asleep.

This afternoon we went to Chris' Aunt Pat and Uncle Denny's home here in Omaha. Alivia and Addison got some toys and clothes. Alivia got a tent from Aunt Pat and Uncle Denny that she really likes. Addison and Samuel hit it off, only being 2 months apart. It was nice to see everyone. It took 2 hours to put Alivia to bed tonight! Then Chris had to put up the tunnel system that the girls are getting tomorrow. All their other toys were ready to go.

We are going to Mass in the morning, then coming back to our home to open presents and celebrate Jesus' birthday with my parents. We are looking forward to the first Angel food birthday cake. This is quite a 1st Christmas for Addison!

Merry Christmas to all and Happy Birthday Jesus!

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Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas has begun!

Addison with Grandpa Bob
The new kitchen

Christmas comes on more than one day this year...and this was evening number one! We celebrated with Chris' parents tonight. Alivia did not take a nap today so was pretty tired by the time we finished dinner and started to open presents. Alivia got her first dolly (it was like a bigger Polly pocket and she really likes that) and opened her kitchen set from Grandma and Grandpa. Addison got a shape sorter. The girls also opened presents from our neighbor, Beth. Addison got a lighted stacker (and she loves lights right now) and Alivia got these play plastic high heeled shoes. She was prancing around tonight in those. It was so cute! The girls also opened presents from Great Grandma and Grandpa Biga, getting adorable little outfits! A girl can never have too many clothes (or shoes) you know.

Addison even helped as she opened her first presents tonight! What a wonderful first Christmas so far! We will have to see what tomorrow brings...

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

On Santa's Lap

On Wednesday night, Alivia and Addison, along with Mommy, Daddy & Grandma Kathy, went to sit on Santa's lap. I know what you thinking...aren't you confusing the girls by having them sit on his lap when you are telling them he does not deliver the toys. No! I would let them sit on Mickey Mouse's lap, too, and we all know he is not a real mouse. Alivia did not cry this year but was more expressionless. She was very intrigued by Santa and did not know what to think of the experience. I was just glad she was not afraid of him.(I was given an article writen by Dan Calabrese titled, "Santa: FriendorFoeOfChristmas? It is very good on the subject of Santa. However, I could not find it online).

Alivia did get her hair cut on Monday night. She got more cut off than I expected, but I know if will grow back. Tonight, Thursday night, we went to Great Grandma Pat's and Grandpa Lou's house and brought them Mama's Pizza. It was a hit! We ate too much as usual.

My boss got snowed in Denver, so she will be coming now next Thursday and Friday before New Years. So, now I have been able to get more mentally prepared for the Christmas Partying to come. Tomorrow night Chris' parents are coming for dinner and we are doing our gift exchange with them. That should be fun. On Saturday, we are going to visit my Grandpa George in the nursing home and then meet my Grandma Jones for lunch maybe. I also hope to go to my friend Heather's house in the afternoon. I am not sure if I will take Alivia and Addison both as I do not want to exhaust them. Then on Christmas Eve Day, we are meeting the Austins at Denny and Pat's house (Chris's Aunt and Uncle). The plan for Christmas is to go to 9 AM Mass and then my family will come for gift opening and dinner at our home. We are just having a ham as I try to keep things simple. We are looking forward to celebrating Jesus' birthday with an Angel food cake (Jesus would want a Angel cake, right?) and celebrating Addison's 1st Christmas!

Chris, Alivia, Addison & I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas!

(Feel free to post comments of your memorable Christmas moments).

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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Graybill Christmas at the Farm...

 What is this? Addison naps with Grandma Grandma Plays Christmas Carols

What a crazy week! I feel like I can say that every week lately. This last week was such a blur I cannot even recall what we all did! On Friday night, we went out and looked at the Christmas lights in Omaha. We went to the nice neighborhoods first. Alivia kept saying, “More baby Jesus” and “More Santa’s.” She really had fun. There is one house near our home that has every decoration under the sun. It is crazy! We joked about how our lights do not compare to what we just saw in the “nice” neighborhoods. We at least try year after year, though.

On Saturday, we got up and went out and looked at a couple places for more Christmas lights for our trees in the yard. I should take a picture of our lights so that everyone can see what we DID do. Chris does do a nice job. We then went to Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Bob’s house for Grandpa’s birthday. We stayed a while before giving up (they never came home!). In the afternoon, we went to Church for reconciliation.


Today was Graybill Christmas at my parent’s house in Iowa. It was nice to see everyone. My Grandmother did not seem well today and that was difficult to see. She is now 91 years old. Alivia opened her first present and it was a Doctors kit. She loves it! She also opened Addison’s little choo choo. Addison does not know what to think about all the commotion. It all just makes her tired. We came home, cleaned up and got ready for another busy week.


Tomorrow, after nearly 2 years, Alivia is going to get her hair trimmed. I say trimmed because that is all Mommy is ready to do to her beautiful hair. I have a long list of things to do, including get a couple last minute presents (my list is longer than the alphabet this year!). My boss is coming on Wednesday and Thursday to ride with me. I got a new boss a few months ago, which was a nice change. However, there is always more to do when she comes (and it is a busy week to have more business to do). Chris plans on taking the girls to see Santa on Wednesday at the Mall. Alivia knows Santa is not real – but he is like any other pretend cartoon (like Mickey Mouse or something). The presents come from Mommy and Daddy to signify gifts given to Baby Jesus. On Thursday we are going to Great Grandma and Grandpa Biga’s House to share some Mama’s Pizza for dinner. Alivia & Daddy are already looking forward to this! Then the Christmas parties will begin.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Addison turns 5 months old!

First food
Addison Turns 5 months old!

It is so hard to believe that Addison is already 5 months old! She is growing so fast in our busy lives. She tried cereal for the first time last night. She seems so interested during meals while sitting on my lap. However, she was not a bit interested in her rice cereal as she gagged on it.

Today she had her 5 month pictures taken at Capture Today Photography (will eventually be on I actually checked them out and ordered them tonight!

At 5 months Addison can sit without support for a short time, squeal and scream well, transfer toys from hand to hand, and she reaches and grabs at things (including her sister's hair!). She is now becoming more vocal with her needs, crying when Alivia takes her toys or when Mommy leaves her sight. Knock on wood...she is still an awesome sleeper - going down awake and putting herself to sleep even! Last night she slept for 11.5 hours! Like I said, knock on wood. :)

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Christmas Spirit

Addison sits alone!
The family - The Present
Addison & The Present

What a busy week as we tried to finish the Christmas shopping and help Alivia see what it means to have the Christmas spirit.

This last week we got little sleep. Alivia decided on a 3 nights to wake between 3-4am and cry. She actually stayed awake on 2 of the nights (and so did we!). So, on Friday night, she went and spent the night with Grandma Bet and Boppa. She had a good time and slept from 8-7:30! While she was away, it was so quiet. Chris and I got take-out from a little Italian place called Faro's and watched a movie. I was also able to get our Christmas letter completed and mailed. We missed Alivia and we were glad to have her back home on Saturday.

Addison can now sit up alone! She started to sit up in her chair, so I just tried sitting her on the floor without support. And, she just sat there and played! She continues to squeel rather loud and laugh a lot. She always seems to be happy. She came down with a bad cold on Saturday and was hoarse by evening. She was still smiley despite having a fever and the bad cold! Addison will be 5 month's old this Tuesday, December 12th.

On Saturday, we went to "The Present" Christmas program at Westside Church with my parents. It was a theatrical performance and Alivia and Addison were really good. Alivia watched the entire program and Addison slept. We enjoyed our Mama's pizza afterwards.

I was able to complete my Christmas shopping with expection of one gift this week! I think next year I am just going to give everyone some love (

 I actually started and finished buying for Chris in one week (mostly shopping online though). He got his clothes makeover early, though, since it was much needed.

Chris is out shopping now for me. Hummm, I wonder what he is up to. This week we have Addison's 5 month pictures, Graybill Christmas next week, both of Chris' parents have birthdays, & I have a lot of work appointments. Happy shopping everyone! 

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Cold Weekend

Alivia in her Christmas Dress
Addison, 4m, with Mommy

It was really cold this weekend, so we did not do much but hang around inside. Chris and I are ready for Alivia to get some new toys…we are bored with her current ones! Alivia has found one new toy (her indoor slide) and has asked to “play on the slide please.” We are just ignoring her. Alivia talks a lot about Santa, but we are trying to focus on the true meaning of the season through books and Bible stories. On Saturday we attempted to get a family picture taken for our Christmas card after previous attempts had failed. Well, this time failed, too. Seriously, trying to take a picture with a remote sounds easy enough until you include two little girls in the picture! Alivia and I did a little baking, but nothing too major. She likes baking because she eats some of almost every ingredient…including the flour! Addison, after waking up a few times during the night during the week, has gone back to sleeping through the night this weekend. I do not think she likes the bottle much. Addison, like her sister, is quite vocal – squealing a lot. It is so cute. She has started to sit alone for a short period of time.

Chris treated me with a pizza dinner and movies this weekend. We had not rented movies in so long. It was a fun to do something other than laundry after the kids went to bed (and fun having them actually go to bed now without difficulty!)

I hope to complete the Christmas shopping this week. I just have a couple people to buy for, including CHRIS! (Oops, have yet to start on him yet!). I have one last preschool tour, too. I just do not want to make the wrong choice, but Topher keeps reminding me that it is preschool, not college. Next weekend we are going to a live animal Christmas program at Westside Church. We are looking forward to seeing part of that, assuming that one of the girls will want to leave before it is over.

Have a great week!

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