Monday, December 25, 2006

Addison’s 1st Christmas

Family portrait 2006Alivia on her scooter12/25/06: The plasma carDaddy & AddisonThe tunnel systemSanta BabyHappy Birthday Jesus!

Addison’s 1st Christmas was a wonderful one…and a big day at that. We had to wake up the girls this morning to go to 9 AM Mass. I mistakenly thought it would be busy, so we arrived at 8 to find not a sole there! It was a beautiful Mass and really nice and quiet so we could actually enjoy it (unlike the Eve Mass’ we have attended in the past). Addison took a nice nap through Mass, and Alivia was pretty good in spite being there for 2 hours.


We arrived at home and were greeted by Aunt Nikki. My parents arrived soon after. We ate a little brunch before getting into all the presents. Alivia actually got tired after a while and just wanted to eat dinner. So, we took a break and went back to presents after dinner (and Addison took over a 2 hour nap!). Alivia liked her tunnel system, plasma car, scooter and wagon best (notice the size of all of these toys). Chris and I either have to build on to our home, buy a bigger home, or start finding smaller toys! Alivia now has many nice new toys to keep her busy, and Chris has the next week off work to help her play with them! Oh, that new Elmo doll is so funny! You can't help but laugh as the thing rolls on the floor in a giggling fit! Alivia is not sure what to think of it, though. Addison, still suffering from a really bad cold, did pretty well. She grabbed onto the wrapping paper and helped to unwrap. She likes her new pianos and this ball toy from Grandma and Boppa Graybill. She also has many new toys. We started our new tradition of making the Angel (angel food) cake for Jesus’ birthday. Alivia really liked that I think. We got our exercise tonight as Addison and I, on the plasma car, chased Alivia on the scooter. Addi really liked that and Alivia kept telling me to chase her more. I love that plasma car (although it needs to be bigger and have a pad on it!) They both went right to sleep tonight.


Tomorrow we will spend the day cleaning, playing and I will begin preparing for my return to work on Wednesday and my boss’ arrival on Thursday. We had a wonderful Christmas and I hope Addison enjoyed her first Christmas. She was my best gift of all this year along with the love from my family and friends.


Merry Christmas to all!

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