Monday, October 05, 2009

The Saga Continues...

Well...we found out in order to meet the shower demands of these potential buyers - the entire shower has to be tore out, the drywall ripped out to access the pipe in the wall. Then a new shower has to be put in and new shower faucet, on and off thingy, etc. Additionally, the floor would probably have to be replaced because it may or may not be ruined when the shower is tore out. Oh, and have this done in 2 1/2 weeks. Seriously - um, no.
The Radon is complicated as well. Our sump pump is an older model that does not work with mitigation systems. So we need a whole new pump at $350 plus the mit system at $850. Plus they may have to add concrete under our shower in the basement depending upon if they did that after they dug it out to install the shower (and I don't know that). Not sure if we could even get in to get this installed in time. If so, it will take 4 hours at least.
Then we are to drywall the utility room and I am not sure about the framing part because I have no idea to even call on it if I wanted to. Again, this has to be done like now.
The people are insisting the radon be done and the utility room be drywalled. I told them the radon company can not even get here in that time frame and I could not begin to find a dry waller in that time frame considering I do not personally know one. AND, we are not going to do it.
So, the real estate agents say that they will take it out of their commissions - split between the buyers agent and our agents, because neither want to lose the deal over this.
The saga continues...

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