Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It all comes back to Them

I hate to go back to this, but with every problem we have had with moving - it all goes back to our neighbors. I mean, Chris and I may have had many reasons to move to begin with. But, we got a real estate agent after pulling the FSBO sign because of the neighors. We are pulling Alivia out of school and away from her new friends because of the neighbors. Is all of this that we are going through God's way of telling us that we were just supposed to have stayed and LOVED THE NEIGHBOR? We have asked ourselves many times through these last few months, "What would Jesus do?" Chris always said, Jesus would stay and be nice. Well, Jesus did not have 3 kids The neighbor's 5 year old boy called Alivia a butthead a couple weeks ago. Looking around, of course, there were no parents in sight. It was the neighbor boy and another 5 year old boy from up the street. Generally, there are no parents supervising their children...just Chris and I. And, the neighbor Mom has actually yelled at me for not rescuing her daughter when she fell down in the street once. COME ON! I am watching my own 3 kids and did not see her fall. "You watch your kids and I will watch mine," I told her. Anyway, the priest in confession (yes, I have been so upset over them I have gone to confession!) told me to ignore them as much as we can. Be civil but do not interact if possible. Tried that, and the hotdogs and dog poop kept flying. I do, however, continue to wave at them like they are my long lost friends. I get nauseated every time I wave at them.
I have spoken with one of the neighbors and flat out told her that I can not forgive her. I have really tried, but with all that is going on no thanks to the neighboring bullying, I just can not bring myself to forgive just yet. I would like to give the poop throwing neighbors one last piece of my mind, too. I would like to see her stand there lying to me again, crying about how bad she feels (she is such a good actress). I would just like to ask them, "Who are you going to gossip about and throw hotdogs and poop at when we are gone?"

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