Friday, March 02, 2012

Reading with Someone Special

Wednesday morning was "Read with Someone Special" at school from 7:40-8:10. Well, there is just one of me and 2 kiddos in school. So, I was just going to make it work by going to Addison's room with Alivia and Asher since Chris really did not want to miss work for this (after all, we have to be thankful that he has work right now).

As it turned out, Chris did stay home, with sick Addison and Asher, so I could share some donuts and storytime with Alivia. I would hate for her to go without "someone special."

It was fun to see her in her element, in the classroom, with her classmates and their Dads (okay, there were a couple Moms, but it was mostly Dads). Alivia loved it that I was able to come.

Now next year, I do believe the kids will ask a Grandparent to read to them, too.

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