Sunday, March 11, 2012

Insanity Take 2 COMPLETE!

Today was our final day of Insanity. Chris actually just finished up his final workout, while I did mine this morning after my run, before anyone was out of bed (yes, I am insane) before going to Mass.

The results.

I would recommend the Insanity workout for anyone who is trying to kick their butt back into shape. That being said, we were in shape, or at least we thought we were, when we started. I ran almost daily and Chris did weights and ran. But, Insanity worked different parts of the body, like all of them. It is always good to mix up an old routine. And, we loved the challenge of Insanity.

On the second take, unlike the first time round, we did not break any bones. Yeah...that is progress! It was still grueling, but we knew what to expect. We also did the expanded workouts, like Max Insane Abs and the Interval Sports Training (which was 55 minutes of pure love and torture. I thought this one was fun, in an insane sort of way). We can see differences in our bodies, although minor.

I would say we both feel leaner. I actually have some upper body strength where I had none to little prior to these workouts. Chris finds his chest and back areas more defined but yet lean.

Weight wise, I am not weighing myself this time. I feel good and that is all that matters I guess. The weight is just a number on the scale. It should be higher since I have muscle mass that was not there 9 weeks ago.

This time around, Chris ran a little during the lower impact first 4 weeks and during the one week of recovery before the real insane workouts started. He maybe only ran a little during the last 4 weeks. I ran hit and miss during it all, plus went to zumba. I can not seem to give up running. Running is a means to get out on my own and I am free. Insanity is in the it is just different.

Now what? We are looking into our next workout challenge. But, in the mean time, we are going back to running. I am going to do the Insanity Abs workout maybe a few times a week, too, maybe, and maybe do that crazy sports training one every once in a while. Of course, I will continue running and going to Zumba for fun. Chris has his eye on the next workout, but that is at least a couple weeks off. We just want to get out and run in this beautiful weather we are going to have in the upcoming weeks.

Chris is not up for a picture for the after yet...but here is one that I an brave enough to share  My headless body...(sorry, the mirror was tilted down. This is the best I could do, and I like the headless look anyway. :) ).

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