Saturday, March 17, 2012

Kids Day Off

Friday the girls had the day off of school. I typically love their days off of school, but lately I have just been feeling off, unmotivated, and not happy. I can't pinpoint why...just am. So, making the day off fun was proving to be a challenge for me, at least mentally.

We started with the forest. With the weather so mild, it was perfect for a nice hike. We took a map this time (yeah!) and the kids got some much needed exercise. We searched for signs of spring, and spotted a few flowers along the Hackberry Trail. The kids played at Acorn Acres before making their way to play some more downstairs at the forest.

Next...Lunch. Outside of the forest was packed with school kids. So, I thought I had an even better idea...a picnic at a park. Once at the park, the overcast skies and cool breeze proved to be a bit to chilly to eat. At least the idea was good I guess. Next, the kids selected a treat at Target before making our way home to play outside, almost all day.

They helped me wash the van, played in their jeep, took a walk, before having our traditional pizza for dinner.

It was a good, fun day afterall. I guess I still have it. :)

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