Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer Fun!


Chris and I decided that this year it just was not safe for us to have any kind of pool. Asher is just too scary. That is...until my mom reminded me of this blow up pool that I bought when Alivia was maybe 2 years old. I bought it at Tuesday Morning for $20. No big deal, right?

It is nothing major...just a big raft with a slide and some water in the bottom. But, it offers the kids hours of play! All three kids love it. You can have the spray part on or off, giving us a chance to change it up a bit. Today I filled it up at 6 am so that it was warmer after lunch when it was time to play. We empty it every night, giving the grass a drink in a different spot every evening. Ha!

So...do we have a pool? No, not really. But as long as the kids are happy with this one, we will take it! It beats $20 at the public pool for 5 minutes of play, too!

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