Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Don't Forget!! The Kids?!

I was shocked to read a small article in the June issue of Parents Magazine (Page 46) in the child health section (of all sections) titled, "Car Caution." The article noted the statistics on children who die in the car because their parents "accidentally" leave them there. It went on to give readers, parents, pointers on how to not forget your kids in the car. I thought to myself, "Seriously?! What kind of parents forget their kids in the first place let alone need pointers?!" But, I continued on.
Their suggestions I found beyond shocking and even more sad. The first suggestion was to have daycare call you if the child did not arrive at the scheduled time (so, daycare is more responsible than you as a parent?). If that was not enough, you can arrange to talk to your spouse about how "drop-off" went at daycare to make sure someone remembered to drop off the children. Nice. Oh, and it gets worse. The final suggestion..."Put your purse or cell phone on the backseat as an extra incentive to look behind you before exiting the car." !!! Seriously!! Mommy would remember her phone or her Prada before her BABY!!!!!! What kind of mommy is that?! Don't you talk to your kids in the car? Aren't you playing music to them in the car, singing with them, something? Don't you see their little smiles in your mirror, hear their coes, or even monitor their sleep in their carseat? COME ON! Cell phone next to baby so you remember your baby because you would never forget your phone!!

I was so sickened by this article that I believe I may cancel my subscription. They are clearly looking for a different type of "Parent" to read their magazine!

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1 comment:

O'Toole said...

OMG!!! That is just NUTS!!! I can't even believe it!