Monday, June 07, 2010

Sick Kids

We have had our share of sick kiddos lately. We are typically really lucky and rarely get sick. But, our time has come.

First, Alivia got a bad cold from going to the farm for school in the rain. She then passed that to everyone in the family (except me!).  Both Alivia and Addison have had stomach flu issues on and off the last month. Alivia seems to be having something with her stomach about once a week. Then Saturday, Alivia did not want to do anything and cried because she could not stand to brush her teeth. Her temp was 104! Of course, that was at noon after the Dr's office had closed! So, off to urgent care we went. I had never been there! She had an ear infection in the right ear that had worked itself into her right eye. They gave her an antibiotic and sent us on our way. Yesterday, our circus day, she was feverish between doses of motrin. Then today, she seemed okay in the morning but still did not have an appetite. I could not skip sending her to CCD, so off she went. She got home, went to bed, and slept for 4 hours. She awoke about 4 with a fever of 104.4 complaining about her eye and blurry vision! I called the office and they asked us to come in. I raced across town and they asked us to start her on some drops.

So, this is what it is like to have sick kids. Um...not fun. I thought summer was supposed to be fun.

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