Thursday, August 23, 2012

Asher's 1st Day of Preschool

Today Asher attended his very first day of preschool at Sacred Heart Preschool. He was quiet in the car on the way there, perhaps a little uncertain of the days' events. We arrived on time, Asher hung up his backpack and made his way into the classroom where all of his "friends" were waiting. He walked into the play area and started playing. I tried to keep my emotions in check and our visit brief so Asher did not become upset. When he appeared occupied, Chris and I set off.

We peered in through the window and Asher seemed fine. He was busy playing. Huh, what do you know, he did fine!

I, on the other hand, was an emotional wreck. Chris hugged me, made a little fun or me, but I ignored him. Our kids have been my full time job since Asher was born. So, to be in this place, this alone place, was scary, lonely, and I missed Asher as I walked away.

Chris went up to his home office as I stumbled through walking the dog (I still have a bum knee). I then ran a couple quick errands before coming home to cleaning up the kitchen, laundry and dusting. Ya know, the normal household stuff. Before long, it was time to pick up Asher.

Asher reported having fun. He seemed happy, reporting he met 3 new friends, one named Boxer (really?). He seemed to do great on his first day. His only disappointment was that he has to wait until next week to go back.

I wanted to take him out for lunch. Asher, well, he wanted to eat lunch with the girls! So, that is what we did. Maybe we will have to eat dinner out instead.

1 comment:

Courtney F said...

Oh, so glad it went well! Yes, our kids are ready to grow up faster, than we are ready to let them! Good job to BOTH of you!