Friday, January 08, 2010

Potty Training Take 3 Day 3

Considering it was my goal for the New Year to get Asher potty trained and he has been ready for months, I decided to tackle it during these 3 snow days. Like I do not have enough to do. But, being stuck in the house, more or less, seems like as good of a time as any to give this a go. Oh, and I forgot how much fun it is...potty training that is.

Day 1: I can summarize Wednesday with one word - Laundry. Asher wet his pants all day. Yes, he would come to me and say potty as he was going in his pants. We never made it to the potty. Naptime was not pretty. He poo'd in his diaper, then painted with it. Seriously...yuck. Why do ALL of our kids have to do this? This must be in Chris' genes because I do not like playing in potty, thank you.

Day 2: Thursday we got closer to the potty. Generally, he would say potty and then go in his pants when we reached the potty. We were getting closer. Asher does not know how to pull down his own pants yet, so that can be a little challenging. Oh, and Asher had to paint again during naptime. More laundry.

Day 3: That brings us to today. Lovely today. Asher went potty IN THE POTTY!! Before our urgent trip to the bank, I had given Asher 2 glasses of applejuice to speed up the process. Then, I forgot he was in underwear as we headed out the door to the bank and then to walmart quick. As soon as we got home, he wanted to go on the big potty. He sat down, grunted a little, and went #1 in the potty! I, of course, did the potty dance as Asher watched wondering what in heavens name was I doing. He had one accident before nap time because he sat on the potty and did not pull down his pants, so he went in his pants. I was just excited that he made it to the right spot. Then, off to naptime. Again, there was more painting. I was NOT happy. I had been putting Asher in a diaper at nap and at night. No more - we are all about cold turkey now. I am not dealing with the poo poo painting mess another day. Now, he is taking his nap in a lysoled bed, clean sheets, training pants and waterproof pants on top of those. That's all. The only good news is that I have started this process and now I will not stop, and I have to work this weekend so I can take a break. Seriously, 3 kids at home and hardly leaving, Chris' job stress, potty training, the cat puking all over the place, Addison wetting the bed at night for more laundry (she has been doing that since we moved to the apartment) - I NEED A BREAK! I hate to admit that going to the psych ward to work may be a break from here - but this week it may just be.

Now, I need to shower. I think I smell. 

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