Friday, January 08, 2010

A Little Good News

Onto snow day #3. We started our day with Daddy at home. He has been going in late the last few days so he does not have to leave when it is -20. I would hate to have the Camry die someplace in these conditions when Chris does not have a phone. Anyway, after a quick bowl of cocoa puffs, Daddy was on his way. He was dressed nicer than his usual, but it was a nice change of pace so I did not say anything.

At home, our morning went as normal with the typical ups and downs. After a morning of banking drama (let's just say First National Bank lost me as a customer today), Chris emailed with some good news! Yeah! We need some good news. He interviewed for a job within his company, in the same building actually, and was hired. Their contracts are good through 2010. So, he has a year of job security.

We will see how this year plays out. It is still a year of uncertainty - but it sure be an interesting ride. I guess I better buckle up!

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