Friday, May 29, 2009

Asher's 1/2 Birthday!


Asher is 18 months old today! I was just telling Chris that I hardly remember when he was not walking! Now he is running and getting into trouble. Within the last week, Asher filled our toilet on the main level with a few toys and then topping it off with Daddy's flip flops while we got ready to go some place. Then, again while we were getting the kids ready to walk out the door, Asher opened the register cover and threw his shoes down it. Luckily, the vent trapped the shoes before going too far. Asher is a big talker, saying many words. His first sentence was, "More Cocoa Puffs Please!" in the car! He calls all cereal cocoa puffs, the cereal we eat only on weekends when Daddy is home. He calls drinks, "snacks" or at least that is what it sounds like. I kept giving him snacks until I figured it out! He is a very picky eater. He does not like milk and the only meat he will eat is an occasional hot dog of all things! He likes special K over Cheerios, and genenally scrapes anything sweet off of his tongue onto his hand and says, "Yuck!"

Asher likes to play with his basketball, soccer ball - even getting good at kicking it, golfballs, footballs, etc. Okay, if it is a ball - Asher will fight you for it, even if it is pink. Although he COULD feed himself for a few months, he just started actually doing it with a spoon. Until a few days ago, he would take a few bites until I sat down, then he would hand me his spoon. He likes storytime with Mommy and coloring time (or messy time) with his sisters. He is a funny boy, liking to walk around with his sister's headbands around his neck like a dog collar! :) Asher is very tough. He generally does not cry unless it is a MAJOR injury. I have seen him really crash, get up and say, "Ouch" pointing to his head, hand or whatever he hurt, hug me, and then move on. Seriously! That would cause the girls to cry for at least 10 minutes! He is also tough with Addison, who tends to take his toys. His defense: Hair pulling (okay, what goes around comes around as Addison did this very thing to Alivia). I do redirect Asher, but I do think Addison asks for it a lot! (Addison and Asher have a love/hate relationship. One minute they are getting along fine and the next minute Addison is saying, "I don't like Asher!" We have no idea where she got this phrase because nobody says it around our home except Addison. But, we are working on more Addison time so she does not think Asher is getting more attention or anything). Asher is a pretty good sleeper sleeping from about 8 PM until just before 7 AM yelling "Mommy, UP!" when he awakes. That is a nice alarm clock every morning, let me tell you! He occasionally cries out for me after going to bed, but rests on my shoulder falling right back to sleep. He sleeps on his tummy, tucking his hands under his cute! He even does this while sleeping on my shoulder.  He takes one nap from 12:45 (but usually talks until 1) until 3:30 or so. Alivia and Asher get along well. She likes going down the slide with Asher on her lap, and she likes standing under him while he climbs the playset ladder all by himself (something he just started doing!).

And, at 18 months, I begin to think about potty training. I said just THINK. I got out the potties for Asher to investigate. He is very good at telling me when he goes #2 and tells me "yuck!" as he tugs at his diaper, or he smells so bad he clears rooms. I am thinking that he and Addison may be close to being potty trained at once! Perhaps I will make it a competition and see who wins! (Addison is holding out for dear life on the #2 STILL).

It is hard to believe that our baby is 18 months. Asher will go in for his 18 month appointment on Monday, and I will update then. I am sure he is well over the 19 lbs Addison was at her 18 month check up! He is growing up too fast! Have I said that before?


Asher at 18 monthsPouting time!Baby soccer pro!

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1 comment:

O'Toole said...

Cute pics of Asher and Alivia! Where are they from? Cherish the time that Asher lets you "do" his hair as Riley REFUSES to let me put anything in it!! Where will Alivia go to Kindergarten?