Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Okay...today was the day I wanted to run around yelling "CHRIS!" all day. Not that it would have mattered, but I was just done, for whatever reason.

For one, I do believe the airplane gave me more than a ride home. I have head congestion, a nice headache to go with that, and a deep sore throat. Keep in mind, I do have allergies, so I usually have a scratchy throat. But this head thing is more than doing me in. And, it is close to my special time, too, which makes me an emotional wreck anyway. So, CHRIS! :)

Today Alivia went to school without issue, excited to get back to her version of normal. Addsion, Asher and I had little plans for the day. First, Addison's friend Kaitlyn came over during the time her Mom and little brother went to Kindergarten round up. Kailtyn even went to Asher's swim class with us. Asher got an A+ in swim class for his great effort. He is REALLY trying. It is so cute! He is SO QUIET (which he is so NOT at home), which made his teacher just love him. She asked if the girls were like he was, polite and quiet, and I quickly said,  "No!" The librarian from the girls' elementary school (whose little girl is in Asher's swim class) chimed in to report the girls are, in fact, quiet and polite in school. Alivia I pretty much knew that, in school, but Addison. Really? It is always nice to hear good things about your kids for once.

Anyway, after Kaitlyn went home, we had lunch and just chilled for a bit. The kids played outside, then rode in the jeep, before Addison's friend Kate came to play until Arts for All class that they go to together. Addison and her friend Kate have been taking an art class through Arts For All in Bellevue since January. It is $100 and she goes for 4 months. She likes it, and they make really cute, creative things. I don't know how Kate feels about it, but Addison feels sometimes it may be a bit long (like 3 months may have been better). This is probably due to our abnormal warm spring. Normal years the timing is probably right on.

The kids played, we picked up Alivia from school, and they played some more. It was a pleasant day in the 60's, but windy. My camera is taking a dump, so I did not get many pictures. By the time the camera decides to turn on, the moment has past. Come on, I am taking pictures of kids here, not still life!

After art came pick up. This is where I really hit the wall (if I had not hit it before). The car seat back came off and I have not a clue how to put it on. I mean, I have before, but I rarely move it, so I have not had to put in on in years. I was near tears trying to get it back together (like I said, I am on an emotional roller coaster, so nothing trips me up). When the kids were done with art, I had rearranged all the seats in the van so that Addison had a backless one. Seriously. It will remain backless until at least Friday, when Chris returns.

Then, rush home, slam some cereal in 5 minutes (seriously, that is all we had for time) and rush to Alivia's first communion parent/child meeting. It was an hour long, but Father did an awesome job. I felt bad for Addison and Asher who just could not bare to stay awake a minute longer.

A quick treat of ice cream, home, shower, bed = one more day down. Really? I am so lucky I did not marry someone who left me alone a lot. It would never work for me. Oh yeah, we would not have 3 kids, we would have 1. The 2 and 3 would have never happened. Alone with one for very long and I would have been happy as a clam with just one little blessing. I am learning a lot from having Chris away.

* I need to be more independent: I can not do many man jobs anymore (where I used to rock at all of them). Seriously, I can not even work a carseat independently.
* I need to cut back on activities when alone, to save my energy if anything else. Today, I over did it. It was constant. It is 9 and at least an hour past my bedtime.
* I need to sleep.

And with that, good night.

Addi and Asher on their make shift Teeter Totter (they want me to buy them one).

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