Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mommy's Weekend

I want to make note of last weekend so we do not forget the fun (or I mean torture) we endure some weekends.

Rise and Shine around 6:30!! Don't the kids know to sleep in on weekends?
Make beds, get kids dressed, teeth brushed, hair combed.
Pack up for morning outing
Off to Fontenelle Forest for a hike.
Home in time for lunch.
Naptime for kids and Mommy.
Within minutes, Asher is crying, Addi is slamming doors and drawers in search for a taggie! Mommy (frustrated) calls it quits for my nap!
Movie time with Addison and Alivia
Asher wakes up, take a long family bike ride.
Dinner/Dinner cleanup
Out for an evening treat
bath time
kids' bedtime 8pm
Mommy out for a 4 1/2 mile run.
Mow the lawn (there was a little light left).
Shower and pack up for work
Work 11-7:30, and into SUNDAY:
Home at 8 in time to get the kiddos dressed, teeth brushed, beds made. Upstairs cleaned up - check.
Now time to clean up for open house! WHOOOPEE! Chris plays with very tired, crabby kids while I clean up.
Off to free lunch out with coupons from nurse’s day (from a while back!).
Say good bye to Chris and Kids - my turn to do open house!
Open House 12-3ish with 5 total families.
3:30: Kids return, tired without naps. Fun. Chris and I are exhausted. Play outside a bit, ride bikes a bit.
Dinner/clean up. Too tired and nauseaus to eat.
At 6 - I was so tired I went and lay down until I heard crying at 7:15. Got up until kids' bedtime.
8:30: Ate a bit, then bed for the night (I thought).
11 - Addison, who was sleeping in our bed, pooped and was HOLDING it! Seriously, disgusting! Cleaned up Addison. Fearing my side of the bed was poopy, I slept on the floor (We only have 1 set of sheets out and the rest are packed "someplace" who knows where). Chris and Addison slept in the bed (Addison was having problems getting to sleep on this night and I was too tired to stay in her room. Having problems going to sleep at night is a new thing since saying so long to her taggie. She usually only comes in our room when it storms).

FINALLY, to sleep until waking at 7:45 (which is REALLY LATE) to Asher calling, "Mommy, I want up!"

Oh, what a fabulous weekend! :)

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