Sunday, March 08, 2009

The RN Hat

Last night, I put back on my RN Hat, at least figuratively, after a few years on hiatus. I am working one 8 hour shift from 11-7 every other weekend night. Chris, who is typically right about these things, is not on board with my decision to take this small job. Why work? Well, I need to keep up my CEU's, working hours, or let my license expire. I have selected to at least try a job to see if I can make it work. Chris says it is just one more thing on our already full plates. We will see.

After my first night at UNMC, I felt fine going to 9 AM Mass with the family. By the time we got home, I was ready for bed. I waited until noon and then tried to lay down. The kids went to sleep, maybe, for 2 hours, and then were up. Addison cried and woke Asher from his typical 4 to 4 1/2 hour nap. So, my good night's sleep was limited to 2 hours. I foresee this being a habit. I hate trying to take a nap because with 3 kids, I usually end up disappointed. So, I see being without sleep 2 nights a month for a while. Hey, that's not bad with 3 kids ages 4 and under, I don't think.

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