Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Your Questions Answered


1. Are you done yet?

This is a question we get a lot. We had a garage sale last weekend and a complete stranger even asked us! So, I will address the question. We are Catholic. I did not go through several months of classes to NOT be a Catholic. So, we are leaving it in God's hands. It has worked well so far (see the next question). Now, let's just hope God does not turn us into the Dugger family (http://www.duggarfamily.com/) who have 17 with number 18 on the way! Yikes! We also hope that God does not see us having a baby when I am 45 (oh, Heaven help us). I have started selling some of the worn looking baby clothes of the girls' that I could part with because of lack of space. And, I have sold a vast majority of my maternity clothes (because I am hoping to not ever have to wear those ugly things again!). I did not feel like our family was complete after Addison. I can say that now.

So, are we done yet? Only God knows I guess.

2. How do you like staying home?

I love it! I love it! I love it! I am not changing my answer either. There is a member of our family that asks this question every time he sees me. I think he thinks I hate staying home and wants me to confess or something. If you have to ask the question, you must have just met me. Staying home with my kids is all I ever wanted to do since I became pregnant with Alivia. I did not want to miss anything! The young years of our kids' lives are just a snapshot in time that we can never get back.

Going back to putting it into God's Hands. When Alivia was born and I cried to a "friend" of mine that I wanted to stay home, she (and even her husband) told me that I just needed to stop dreaming. I remember it clearly. I felt as if her husband was trying to be sympathetic to Chris (like poor Chris because he had to put up with my whining. But, Chris wanted me to stay home too!). From that point on, I prepared to stay at home. I prayed and cried to God as Addison was born to stay at home. Then, I became pregnant with Asher and scary Judy happened. All of suddened, we were ready for me to quit. All our ducks were in a row and it happened. My prayers were answered. So, leaving it in God's Hands does work. 

3. How can you afford staying at home now?

Can I repeat myself? God has big Hands. The money just happens, it just works out. Chris kept telling me all those years I wanted to stay home - just quit. I would not listen. I quit, Chris got a raise and got promoted. Humm... We live smartly I guess. I am a budget nerd, too. It is fun for me. I should have been an accountant, but I was awful at math! I would like to get an "as needed" night nursing job for extra money, but for now have opted not to & it is not necessary(& Chris does not want me to anyway). I am busy enough. I thought as a stay at home mom I would be at home more! When I get our $ challenge video done I will clear up this answer more. 

4. Thing I can not live without?

Pizza cutter. I use it for everything! Cut pizza, crusts off, cut up pancakes, french toast, etc. Love it!

5. Do I have free time?
Little, but I take some extra every night I have energy for it. I usually run & think. Helps me to clear my head before going to bed even if it means that my laundry has to wait to get folded. Oh, and I blog as I get Asher's "milk" ready.

6. Thing I miss about working (if anything)?
Shopping. :) I rarely get out shopping now, but that probably is a good thing.

Enough said for now. Any questions I missed?


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