Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Funny Things We Say...

Daddy came home yesterday and said to me, "I just realized today that we are married."
Me, "Seriously, it only took you 11 1/2 years!"

Then he followed it up with, "You're cute."

And he thought I was losing it yesterday because I was hearing noises (that were actually real mouse noises!).

I was teaching Addison a new word yesterday, Sit. In her workbook, there is a dot under each letter for her to sound it out. She said aloud, "Sssss iiii ttttt." Then I say, "Say it fast Addison, what word is it? Addison looked at me and smiled, "I am not going to say that word Mommy!" I believe she thought it was the SH word, not Sit!

Addison has a lot to say these days. She recently told me that when she gets older, she is going to have a baby in her stomach and live at Grandma Bets and Boppa Bill's house. I hope she is married and I hope Grandma and Grandpa don't mind!

I am working with Asher on learning our address and where we are compared to others. So, I asked Asher, "Where do Grandma Bet and Grandpa Bill live?" Asher replied, "In their home!" He was right...but I was looking for the town and state. It was pretty cute.

I find Alivia saying things that make her sound grown up more than anything. I like listening to her talk to her friend Zoe on the way home from school. They talk about loose teeth, the tooth fairy, going to Justice shopping, etc. I have to watch what Alivia says because she is clearly learning words at school that we just do not say here!

I say funny things, too, but I have a quick humor about me that is only appropriate for Chris. I would not dare post what I say!

One has to write these things down because I don't want to forget any of these funny moments.

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