Wednesday, September 01, 2010

The Omaha Children's Museum...August Visit


Yes, somehow I convinced myself to return to the OCM after our 2 weeks of sickness following our last visit. This time, there was no putting things in our mouths and we washed our hands often!

Asher and I visited the OCM yesterday morning at 9 until 10:25 or so, during the time Addison was in her second day of preschool. We met some friends there, Keegan and Ms. Kim. We started upstairs playing in the Clifford display. We were the only ones up there for like the first 10 minutes. Even the lights were out.  Asher loved it! He liked the bone area best, but also enjoyed playing with the mail and cutting in the drawing area. He is getting really, shockingly good at using the scissors. Then we went downstairs where Asher just ran around everywhere.

We had fun...until about 10 when the doors opened for non members. It was like the flood gates had opened. It was more than time for us to go. When I can not easily keep my eye on Asher, I want out (not to mention the noise level).

Asher had fun! He had so much fun that he went right to sleep at nap time. And, so far...we are not sick. So far...

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