Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Exceptional & Invaluable Chris

Chris came home from work yesterday with some news.

He was called into his boss' office. Now, the last time he was called into his boss' office he was laid off. So, I braced myself. So did he as he sat in the office. He said it was either going to be good news or horrible news.

It was GREAT news!

Chris' bosses recognized him for his hard work and dedication since moving into this new department at work. They gave him a recognition letter using words like, "exceptional support to our team, " Chris has made a positive difference," "creative and eager to learn," "Extraordinary graphic artist, " "added vibrancy, "exceeded expectations," and finally, "Chris' work ethic and creativity truly makes him invaluable to this project."

And, they attached a bonus to the letter.


Congratuations Chris!

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