Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Beginning of the End

Today, after the homeowners of the home we bought in Shadow Lake seemed to be dragging their feet, Chris and I went to the Open House on the Gray home in Lakewood Villlages that we still had a contract on hold with just to be sure (Mind you, there was nothing in writing yet with the corner lot yet). After looking at the home, we drove by what would be the school. I initially thought the kids would be attending the new Bellevue Elementary up the street from the home. However, it was actually a Papillion Elementary school 5 miles from the home! Yep...nope! That house was not it! Being 5 miles away from school was not convenient AT ALL! And, the school...well, it just was not nice. I would go 10 miles for a nice school...but this was not even a comparison.

All things considered, I liked the Lakewood home itself better because of what it offered. However, it was a close toss up between the 2 homes (obviously) and the one we selected for Location and schools, among other things. So, all papers are signed, and we are all completely happy with the decision. Now, back to packing...

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