Saturday, August 01, 2009

What's In Your Yard?

We have had some issues appear and happen in our yard over the last couple of years. Let's see:
* Dead birds: Last summer, we had probably 15 or more dead birds over the course of the summer appear near the border to our neighbors. Never seen them place the birds in our yard - but one would have to wonder after a bit.
* Dead grass. Last summer when we returned from vacation, there were HUGE dead spots in our lawn where "someone" had clearly applied round up to it, killing our lawn. It was so bad that Chris had to rip in up and resod it. No, he was not happy about this.
* Hot Dogs: We returned from vacation this year, and sent the kids out into the back yard to play. Within moments, Asher had picked up a hotdog covered in ants and had it in his mouth!!! I grabbed it from him and threw away. Then I found another one, covered in ants, and I picked it up and threw it back into the neighbors side. I believe it landed on their patio, possibly right where it came from and should have stayed!
* Dog **** or poop: Yes, the lovely topper to this story, dog poop was found near the fence. How was it found? I mowed over it and then stepped into it. Seriously, I was mad! Against Chris' wishes, I went to the door to have a heart to heart (okay just a heart to human because these people clearly do not have hearts) with the neighbors. They, of course, either did not come to the door or were not home. I showered up and returned to their home, assuming now they would be home. Nope, still not home. Well, I returned the **** safe in sound into their yard (but most of it I had already threw away in the trash in the garage - so they only got a little poop back!).

Okay, seriously, how old are they anyway? We may not have proof to any of this, but you do not need to be a private investigator to figure these things out. Let's just say, I am working on getting proof for next time. Believe me, if I catch so much of a turd being planted into our yard, a man in blue will be going to their door instead of this witch!

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O'Toole said...

Your neighbors are unbelievable!! Was there some sort of "issue" that sparked all this?
You are so brave to attempt to confront them too!!

Austin Family said...

No issue, just the fence 2 years ago (see other neighbor post). Brave? Gee thanks. It is probably a more of crazy mad! :)