Sunday, February 06, 2011


Today Chris and the kids went to my parents in Iowa.

Chris helped my Dad in building his airplane. The kids played with Grandma.

I...well, I stayed home. I ran, I cleaned up, cleared my chest, I napped. was so quiet.

I missed everyone, especially after being away all day yesterday. However, they were having fun.

Chris returned exhausted from building the plane. But, he really enjoys helping my Dad. Afterall, this is the only airplane that Chris will be building in his lifetime. How many people can say they helped build an airplane? Chris can!

The kids played with Grandma, played in the snow and completely wore Grandma out.

I, meanwhile, was able to sit in solitude. Everyone needs a day to chill, in solitude, every once in a while.

I believe I should do it more often. I will let Grandma rest first, though.

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