Wednesday, November 14, 2007

34 Weeks

I had my 34 week appointment on Tuesday and things are progressing. Baby is sitting really low, heartbeat strong. I am starting weekly appointments now since I am having some mild labor symptoms (nothing that I called my doctor about but maybe should have). After today, I hope my due date is off (since this is a due date by ultrasound at 20 weeks). I would say most places I went today commented on HOW BIG I had gotten in the last month since they had seen me and "You have 6 weeks left...WOOOOH!" Seriously, how rude can you get. Now, I realize they are to be talking about the growth of the baby and how this 20 pounder is going to grow MORE in the next 6 weeks, but that just does not make me feel much better about the BIG comments as I waddle from clinic to clinic with my boss in tow.
Anyway, so next week we will see where things are at. I will be sure to update you all on the BIG progress. :)

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