Friday, June 08, 2007

Pathetic Baker

Okay, let me explain. I am not THAT pathetic really. After all, I had a job in high school making cookies everyday for a local business. I loved that job! With that said, I will get to the pathetic part. I love oatmeal cookies. I have this recipe that came from my now 92 year old Grandma. However, the recipe only works if you use lard. WHO USES THAT ANYMORE? Anyway, I had this big craving for oatmeal cookies and I did not have a good recipe. So, while doing my Friday evening grocery shopping, I actually bought one of those Betty Crocker Cookie in a bag things. I often wondered when I saw those, "Now who would buy those?" Oh, I would! Let me tell you, they are NOT homemade. But, they were okay and I guess I filled my craving a bit. Next time, I will look on the web for a recipe though - not one through Betty Crocker.

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