Sunday, November 22, 2009


Our weekend tradition is to go to Mass. Typically, we attend 9am Mass, sitting in the same seat every week. If I work, however, we go whenever I am awake enough. With that said, our Sundays have turned to 1 hour (or more) of torture as Asher gets older.

Today, he left Mass with a black eye and a bump on the back of his head. Yes, I said this happened after attending CHURCH! I have not a clue what the Homily was about, either. All I know is that Asher bumped his eye on the pew, yelled, "Ouch" just before crying loudly. It took a long walk around the school before he recovered. Next, he fell over the kneeling bench, bumping the back of his head on the pew. Back out to the Narthex I went. I went out at least one more time for another crying episode. Seriously, carrying his all over trying to calm him down was quite the workout!

As I was in the Narthex, I glanced at the book for those to pray for. The top 2 lines listed the names: Edward Cullen and Taylor Lautner (the 2 main characters from Twilight, New Moon). Can you imagine father praying for them during Mass?

I know I know...Jesus was actually tortured and died for us...the least we can do is to endure the time to attend Mass with Asher and the girls.

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