Saturday, November 15, 2008

Confessions of THIS Shopaholic

"I, Krista, am a shopaholic."

Well, at least a controlled one. It is rather difficult to shop with 3 kiddos in tow. So, I just rarely do it. I shop online for bargains, but sometimes the online pricing is more expensive than your find at the store (i.e. The Gap is horrible about this one! I just bought sweaters there that were 25% less expensive in the store than they were online!).

Anyway, I have decided that my job at Janie and Jack is like placing an alcoholic in a bar and telling he or she not to drink, just look at the drinks, serve the drinks, and watch other people drinking and enjoying themselves drinking! That is torture! I am very good about not buying unnecessary clothing for the kids, typically. However, have you been inside the Janie and Jack store? It is amazing! The adorable clothing sells itself. I have to wipe drool off my face several times during my shift.

So, for just a few hours a week, I look and oooohhhh and ahhhhh over all the adorable clothes, help other people shop for the adorable clothes, and watch them shop and have fun buying the adorable clothes. I have been so good, though, and have not purchased a thing (although it is killing me not to). I have to keep telling is not necessary. Oh, and Chris would have me resign if I brought home an "You owe us" slip instead of a paycheck!

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