Monday, March 10, 2008

You know you are old when...

You can not walk without help and they take away your car.

Let me explain.

First: Chris called in sick today because I can not walk or stand up from a sitting position without his help because my back went out last week. I pulled it getting a binder down from a carton of binders for my boss last week and it has just progressively gotten worse. By yesterday, I was a mess. Nice, huh? Now, I am home with 3 kids, two of which like to be held, and have problems even walking. I can tell I am a year older!

Second: They came and picked up my car this morning. So, I am officially without my own car. It was so sad to see it go. Luckily, Chris will have my parents' car to drive to work on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I can take the Camry to preschool.

So, I guess it is official. I am O-L-D.

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