Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Last Full Week of Summer...

This week marks the last full week of summer break for Alivia and Addison. I am quite sad about this. I told them that we would make the best of their last week at home, creating as many memories as possible while we can.
On Monday, we met our the Grajkowski family at a local park to play and have a picnic while Addison went shopping with Grandma Kathy. I brought Pippa, which I found a bit overwhelming. I believe Pippa needs to learn to stay home sometimes. After the picnic, Alivia's friend Sydney came over for a bit to play during the afternoon. It was not long and Addison arrived home from a day of shopping, She had so much fun with her Grandma and going alone. I am not sure which she liked better (going alone or the shopping). Although it was a full day, Alivia had not had enough. It was not long and Zoe was spending the night. Okay, it is the last week of summer, right?

So, today, we decided to his members hour at the Omaha Children's Museum. It was the last time the kids would go during the week for a while probably. We visited the dino exhibit upstairs, played on the main level, made an art project (that we forgot to bring home) and did a little face painting. It was a fun morning. For lunch, we went to Heartland of America park to feed the water fowl a bit before feeding ourselves. Okay, the water fowl do not understand what "all gone" means. They were all over us! It was crazy!! So, I need to bring more bread for them next time. Now we are home, Zoe in tow, enjoying a semi quiet afternoon watching movies (while I blog).

Why is it that they best things always seem to have to end?! That is so sad. I look at my little Addison and just want to hold her tight and never let go. She just turned 5. I wish I had more time with her. I think I would be ready for her to go to school by January. Humm, I wonder if they would allow that?

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