Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Finicky Asher

Asher, oh Asher. He is the baby of the family. And, with that said, he is living it up. He is his own person, however, and he is not afraid to remind us.

I lay our the kids' clothes every night. This has always worked well for us to get things moving quicker in the morning. But Asher, he is very opinionated and finicky.

Asher loves his tags. He likes his clothes to have just the right tag so he can play with them. Every morning, he throws the clothes I lay out back in the closet, and selects his own clothes.

So, if you see Asher wearing the same outfit over and over again, it is not because the boy does not have a closet full of clothes. It is because he has opinions.

Same goes for his food selection. He has listened too much to his older sister Alivia. He now says, "I don't like that" and is very selective. He only likes colby cheese, refuses to eat most soup, but will eat almost any vegetable I lay in front of him. I guess some things I appreciate!

Gotta love Asher and all his individualities!

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