Monday, July 14, 2008

To the Dentist, Park, & Doctor...

...oh, what a morning. Alivia had her 4 year dental check up. She is doing fine. She was such a big girl and watched the TVs on the ceiling as they cleaned her teeth, took x-rays, etc. We had just enough time after her appointment to stop by a park before going to Addison's 2 year appointment. Addison is finally 20 lbs - 22lbs (and 2%) to be exact! Yeah! She was 19lbs I think at 18m, so that is pretty good. She is 33 inches in height (35%) and her little head is 45 cm (8%). She is doing well and had her last immunization until her 4 year check-up when I have the pre-K ones done.My assignment prior to her next appointment at 3 years is to potty train and stop the thumb sucking. Humm, we have some work to do.


Alivia getting her teeth cleanedAlivia at the Dentist

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