Monday, February 18, 2008

I did it!

I hesitated on what to title this blog..."2 weeks notice, " It's about time," "Finally, a smart decision is made," before settling on "I did it!"

I did what, you may wonder. Well, if the 2 weeks notice did not give it away, I gave my 2 weeks notice to my employer after nearly 8 years of employment (and 3 beautiful children later). This has been something I have wanted to do for quite some time. My employer probably even wonders what took me so long. This job has given me many rewards along the way, but I had to go through A LOT of challenges and shark invested waters, too (many more of the latter than rewards if I do say so myself). I will not even get into what I learned along the way. If I were to return (official return day was to be Friday not tomorrow), I would have returned on Friday and had to leave my babies and Chris for a trip on Sunday through Thursday night. Um, after 8 years, I am saddened that my employer did not realize that I have a heart.

So, now what? I get to wake up every morning to my beautiful little Alivia telling me, "Mommy, it's time for Cheerios." I get to eat breakfast at a normal pace (on most mornings) and eat lunch with my kids. Do you know how many hugs, kisses and I love you's I would miss if I returned to work? Well, Alivia hugs me and kisses me about 10 times an hour at least! I get to have my little Addison hold my hand as she runs me through the house, and ask to be held 90% of the day (while I am holding baby Asher, too, I may add.She is my little cling-on). I get to see all Asher's first moments without the caregiver telling me them (oh, he did this, that or the other thing while you were at work today). My caregivers were in a catch 22 because I wanted to know everything that went on all day but hated to see what I missed! And Asher and I are so close already. I walk into his room when he cries after waking from a nap and say anything, and he is quiet. He does not even have to see me. I would miss that if I went back to work. I would miss his little looks at me, his first little smiles. I am so looking forward to seeing his first little belly laugh that he is so close to doing. Would I miss that if I went back to work? Now, I no longer have to worry about that. I am looking forward to making meals, cleaning up meals, changing diapers and smelling like the things that Asher is spilling out of him now adays (afterall, that is why we have a shower, right? To use it 3,4, or even 5 times a day!). And, for those who say, "How can you stay home all day? I would go stir crazy." Um, have you stayed home? The laundry, the toys, the playing, the meal making, the shopping, more laundry, the laughs, the tears, the craft projects, the baking, stir crazy? There is never a dull moment unlike there were with my job. My job paid well, but my new job as a full time Mommy is so much more rewarding. Heaven does not care how much money I make on earth. My kids will not care how much money they are left with if they are left with many memories of the fun and love we shared while growing up. My Mom stayed home with me. I do not remember not getting "things," but I remember all the fun we had together (and my Dad, too, since he was a farmer and was in and out, too). My worst memory (and many remember this one) was having to leave my Mommy for kindergarten. My kiddos will go to preschool to make that transition a little smoother, hopefully.

So, March 1, 2008, I will officially begin my new full time career as Mommy. So, let me say, It's about time! A smart decision is made! We did it! The way it should be. Thank-you, Topher, for making it happen. You are my knight, no armour needed. :)

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