Friday, December 21, 2007

Chris has a Good Heart

Yes, Chris has a good heart! I know, you all think you knew that already. So, let me explain.

Chris was diagnosed with asthma probably 8 to 10 years ago. On a recent check-up of his asthma, the doctor heard a loud "click" or murmur when listening to his heart. His doctor was quite concerned and referred him to a cardiologist. After an appointment with the cardiologist, a stress test and an echocardiogram, Chris received what we knew all along...A clean bill of health saying that he has a good heart! There was an explanation for the unusual click that both his family practice physician and his allergist had been hearing (but an explanation that I am unable to repeat).

So, Chris came home happy that he did not have to work out because his heart was healthy. I reminded him that he may have a good heart now but needs to work to keep it that way. So, back to the treadmill it is...

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