Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Do not open until Christmas

I had my ultrasound today. Baby was 15 oz, heartbeat was strong, and looked healthy. No, we did not find out the sex of the baby. My Dr knows, however, which was a little annoying when she laughed and said,"I know what you are having!" The due date was moved up just a tad to December 24, making me 20 weeks 2 days according to the ultrasound. I have gained more weight to date than I gained with Addison or with Alivia total. Considering everyone keeps saying I do not look pregnant, where is all of that weight going? Humm. Hopefully I am not looking like J Lo or something. That would be the only difference I am seeing in pregnancies. I have been craving chocolate and cheese, but not together. :) I have been tired a lot, so I thought I may be enemic. But, now I think it is the toddler in our bed that is making me tired. My Dad has said that I do not seem like the type to be a mother of a boy, but my mom thinks this baby is a boy and so does Chris. I had a dream last week that I delivered a baby boy who was an early arrival. Chris was not present at the delivery because he could not find anyone to watch the girls (which is completely realistic). Really, I do not care either way what we are having. I just want the baby to be healthy. That is one of the main reasons I did not want to know the sex now, because it does not matter. There are few surprises left in life. This pregnancy came as a surprise, so we might as well take it to the end that way.

So, to answer the big question, "What are you having?" We are having a baby! It just would not be right to open our little present before Christmas. We will wait until Christmas to see what God will be giving us this year...a baby girl or a baby boy.

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