Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring is Here!

How do I know when spring is REALLY here?

1. Birds wake me up at 6:30 AM singing and I don't mind.
2. The temps are warm enough to keep the windows open from morning until night.
3. I mow the lawn (today was the first day and it now looks so nice). Funny, you mow, then your neighbor comes out and mows. Something about mowing that is contagious. Too bad being nice isn't contagious!
4. Can get up and spend the entire day outside if you wanted, without a parka!
5. Picnics outside. Love them!
6. Flip flops.
7. Fresh air
8. Smells of blooming trees
9. Tulips
10. All the neighbors come out from there dens, I mean homes. is spring.

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