The first day of spring break turned out to be a lot of fun.
We started out at the YMCA (gotta get my cardio in), I went to Zumba, then I took the kids to the pool to swim. They have so much there! After getting cleaned up, it was time for a picnic.
We met Krissa, Kaitlyn and Will at the Forest for a nice and warm picnic. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining about 89 degrees (or whatever it was today). We love nice and warm on April 2...and we will take it! After a picnic, the kids played for a long time in Acorn Acres before we took a short hike through the forest. I am not sure, but I may have spotted poison ivy. Now, I just need to figure out if that is what it was so I can be sure we avoid it! The kids then played downstairs and got cooled off. It was then definitely time to call it a day as the kids were in need of a break.
After leaving the forest, we did a little shopping. Alivia needed white shoes for her upcoming First Communion. Grandma Kathy had already purchased 2 dresses, the veil and a white sweater, and I found some tights. Alivia just needed shoes to complete the ensemble. It is really like she is getting married, but without the REAL expensive part, oh, and the groom. :) After finding some shoes she found comfortable, it was time for a treat.
The kids picked out three different kinds of ice cream treats at the grocery store before we made our way home. Next, the sprinkler. The kids played outside for quite a while. Nice to have such nice weather for at least a day of spring break.
Once inside, the girls played well with Polly Pockets. They have about 3 days a year they play well together, and today was one of them (seriously!). Meanwhile Asher had a rough day. He was well behaved at the Forest, I will give him that. But, come on child. He has way too much energy of something. If there was a such thing as a chill pill, this child would have to be on it. He was not the best behaved child today.
After dinner, our evening dog walking and a bath, it was time for Face Time with Daddy. The kids talked to him alone before they talked to him individually. They really love being able to actually see him. Chris sounded really tired and a bit overwhelmed. He is leaving Pennsylvania tomorrow and onto Florida for the remainder of his trip.
Tomorrow we have more big plans that have the kids super excited. Tomorrow is our last full day together during break (other than Easter Sunday), so we have to make the most of it.
Now for some of the pictures (yes, there are more than these even!) so Daddy can see what we are up to while he is away.
The kids had a little music program for us. |
Spring at the Forest |
Love Trails! |
Flowers for Daddy. |
Cooling off with some fudge bars. |
Now for some fruit sickles. :) |
View of our home from the trail. It looks lovely and quiet...right? |
Addison, never without a stuffed toy, usually a dog. |
Hey, that's me! |
The Girls |
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