Saturday, April 17, 2010

Breakfast with Diego & Kidz Explore

Eating Breakfast with DiegoDiego, Daddy, Addison, Asher & AliviaThe whole fam with DiegoLet's Jump!Trying to get Asher to JumpHand PaintingAlivia's Rainbow from God...Asher getting a smiley face...but not thrilled about it.The Pillbury Dough Boy!The Village Inn Bear!Addison slidingSnack timeKidz Explore 2010

Today we were invited to attend Breakfast with Diego and then onto Kidz Explore at the MidAmerica Center in Council Bluffs. What a beautiful facility!

We arrived at 9 am ready for donuts! The kids filled their plates, ate a little, and then Diego arrived. Addison and Asher were a little timid, but they still got their picture taken with him and gave him a high five. After a quick trip to the potty (yes, potty training is going well!) we went to check out Kidz Explore. We had never been to this event before, so we had no idea what to expect. What a fun place! There are tons of booths with prizes to win and information to gather. The kids filled their bags with candy, of course, coloring pages, colors, and prizes. Alivia even won an overnight stay at Coco Keys water resort with swim passes for the whole family! The kids had their hands painted while they learned about God, which was neat. Addison & Alivia liked all the bouncers best. Addison is really into bouncers right now and having one at home is not enough. In the second room, yes there were two rooms and booths in the hallway too, there was this HUGE line of food from No Frills with crackers, apples, cookies, graham crackers, Ho Ho's, fruit snacks, granola bars, fruit juice, icecream and more! It was seriously crazy all the food (although not the healthiest, they had. Luckily, there were 2 dentists there giving away toothpaste and tooth brushes...but we never saw a dietitian.

It was a fun but exhausting time. Alivia and Addison liked the bouncers best. Alivia also liked winning the big prize. Asher, who refused to jump in the bouncers, liked the treats and going fishing at the Children's Hospital/Kohl's exhibit. I was most excited seeing the kiddos having fun, getting the kids fingerprints and DNA stuff done, and Asher going potty in the potty and not having any accidents (he typically holds it the entire time we are out refusing to go on the potty away from home. Finally, today we had success! I nearly cried out of excitement!).

After seeing the price of tickets...I'm more than sure that I would not pay money to go back. It was a fun experience ONE TIME...but could not recommend going. Sorry.

Want to go to Kidz Explore? Here's what to bring:
A stroller for little ones (although we are all too big for that now!)
Hand wipes
socks so the kids can jump in the bouncers
walking shoes for mom and dad
and be ready to learn, be sold stuff, and have fun!

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