Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter 2013!

Happy Spring and Happy Easter!

Our beautiful Easter morning began earlier than the birds could wake up so we could make it to the 7:30 Mass. It was a beautiful Mass where we were blessed to be able to have a seat (thanks for arriving at Church at 7am.).
"I love you and your candy." LOL!

The kids saw their baskets as soon as the got downstairs before Mass, finding a book each, an outfit, a big chocolate bunny and a Lego friend. We saved the egg hunt for after Mass where they ran around, complaining of being cold, grabbing their 20 eggs each (that the bunny was caught hiding at 10 PM last night). The ate too much candy before we took off to my parents in Iowa for the day.

We ate dinner, had a wonderful Easter Egg Hunt of 25 eggs each!! and a big bag full of goodies, ate way too much, played outside, before making our way for home around 4:30. I was quickly reminded why I wished we did not live in our neighborhood upon our arrival home. Gees, gotta love the Holidays and Family. (Well, I am not sure we HAVE to love our family all the time).

ANYWAY, we at least enjoyed our day with my family in Iowa and are thankful they still invite us to Holiday gatherings. Our kids would not have it any other way, and are already looking forward to the fun egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's house next year.

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Courtney F said...

How fun! Love your new family pic. Sounds like a fun holiday with your family. Ugh! 7:30 mass! We barely made it to church by 8:30 for the 9:00 service.