Sleepover Feet, at Movie Time |
Yesterday the kids had the day off of school for President's Day. We had a lot of fun things planned to make the most of it.
First, the kids wanted to get in that sleepover that I promised (and was supposed to be Thursday night, if they were not sick). Addison and Alivia both had friends. They ate dinner, played (all together well, which was nice), and watched a movie quietly (amazing!). Then it was time for bed.
Addison and her friend were asleep within minutes. So sweet as they cuddled together.
Alivia and Zoe...not so much. They were loud, laughing, texting me on my ipad (with Alivia's touch, something I was about to take away from her), etc. Finally, at 10:30, they went to sleep. Asher stayed downstairs, watching a movie and falling asleep, with Chris and I.
The sleepover (or should it be called awake over) went well. The morning was crazy. I got up early to get my insanity in before the kids got up. Addison and Kaitlyn were awake at 6:20! No way! Alivia and Zoe slept until 7:30 or so. Then it was time to get everyone dressed, teeth brushed, hair combed, breakfast and out the door by 8:30. I wanted to get to Zumba at 9 at the YMCA, then open swim at 10. I wanted to get there right at 10 for open swim since it was open house day at the Y and I figured it would be crazy.
The kids had fun in kids club, seeing their friend Katy and coloring with her, while I worked it out at Zumba. Let's just say an hour of Insanity followed by an hour of high impact Zumba is a major workout (but Zumba is just too much fun to skip). We got into the pool right after 10. Initially, it was not too busy. Addison and Alivia played with Addi's friend Kate, who was swimming with her brother, Henry. Asher just splashed around, playing catch with me. Then Addison's friend Kaitlyn came with her Mommy and her little brother. Funny, Asher had to friends at the pool, Henry and Will, and really was more entertained playing alone in the pool. So funny.
At break time, the kids wanted to get out and go jump on the Y's bouncers that they had for the open house. We showered and set out to the bouncers. We then found out that they Y had to close the pool for a bit anyway (Poo found in the pool!! GROSS!! Did I say that was why I want a pool IN OUR YARD?! POO FREE ZONE!!). By 11:30, the kids were tired and hungry, ready for our next adventure.
The kids had a picnic while I raced to the zoo to catch the 12:15 showing of Sharks. Funny, everyone else had that same idea. We were in line for tickets when at 12:05 they announced the Sharks showing was sold out. Ugh!! So, we set out to see some animals before coming back to see the 2:15 sold out Sharks in 3D IMAX. The kids were wiped (and so was I!). We took our time going through the desert dome, jungle, tigers, orangutans, gorillas and monkeys. The monkeys and tigers were in the middle of their naps, making all of us sleepy. They were so cute!
The Sharks movie was CRAZY! We waited in line until 2:13 for a 2:15 showing. We barely sat down and the movie started. Nothing like standing for 25 minutes with 3 tired kids. The movie itself was awesome. I love the underwater IMAX movies. It is so cute to see the kids try to reach out to the fish. But, they were all 3 asleep within minutes.
After the movie, we set for home. Soon, their friends Kate and Henry came to play. The boys and Addison helped me make donuts while Alivia and Kate played. This time, I threw come cocoa in with the chocolate chip donuts. They were delicious! They were a hit with all the kids except Alivia, who refused to try them ("I don't like donuts.") The boys challenged me with their endless energy before I started a movie for them so they would chill. I am always amazed where kids get all their energy?!
It was a fun filled day. At dinner, I asked the kids what they liked best.
Asher, "I liked Ycare with Katy, swimming, jumpy jumps, the zoo monkeys, the sharks movie, and playing airplanes with Henry." Addison liked her sleepover and the tigers at the zoo. Alivia said she agreed with Asher, except she liked playing with Kate.
Day off, success.
Now, today is going to be a day of rest. I'm exhausted!