Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Adventurous Austins

Yesterday was quite the day.

We got up and took Alivia to Catholic Education (which is 1/2 day daily for 2 weeks in the summer). Then, Addison, Asher and I went to the zoo. It was such a fabulous day to be out! The weather was just perfect! We arrived home just in time to meet Alivia (we carpool with a friend, which is so nice!).

After lunch, we went to the Sump library for the magic show. It was so fun but crowded. The kids maybe "got"  25% of it, however.

Then, it was time for the pool! Love the pool. There was hardly anyone there. I could swim the length of the pool without having to swim around anyone. So nice! It was like having our own pool! Alivia brought her friend Sydney, who said, "This pool is the bestest pool I have ever been to!" She has the best manners!

After the pool, we warmed back up at the playground right by the pool before heading home.

We played at home at home into the night. I was totally exhausted...the kids, not so much.

Night night turned into midnight. Asher just never gets tired and refuses to go to bed and stay there. Ugh! He finally went to sleep at 10:30! What do I have to do to wear that boy out?!

It was another day of adventures for us...summer fun and many memories!

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