Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Happy Mother's Day! What a wonderful day, other than the wind.

I got up early this morning to go to get my morning run in. It was so beautiful and peaceful out! I was so glad I got up early. When I arrived home, I found that the kids had made cards for me and were waiting with hugs and kisses. Ahhh...Love that! Soon, Daddy came up the stairs with giftbags! Inside Chris and the kids gave me a birdfeeder with bird seed, almond M&Ms (my favorite), and an IPOD nano. So exciting! I can't wait to run tomorrow to try it out!

We then went over to Grandma Kathy's to wish her and Great Grandma Austin and Aunt Pat a Happy Mother's Day! It was fun to be able to see then, if even briefly. We had to get home for our guests.

We arrived just in time. Grandma Marci, Aunt Marsha and my parents arrived for another picnic. And, hold the presses, we finally used the dining room! We have only lived here a year and a no time like the present to break in the dining room.

We had another picnic type meal, perfect for the beautiful day in the 80's. It was just beautiful, if we could only tolerate the wind. Whew! The kids played, watched part of a movie and ate all the yummy food. Grandma Marci was exhausted by the end of the day, and so were the kids. All of them were asleep at bedtime within minutes.

I had an amazing Mother's Day! Thank you to my kiddos, husband, in laws and my parents for making it special!

Happy Mother's Day!

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