Friday, January 28, 2011

Running in Shadow Lake

It was an amazing 49 degrees today. Although I have been sick for a couple days, I took some Motrin, laced up my running shoes, and set out to enjoy this rarity in Nebraska during January.

As I ran around the lake, I found several ice fishermen. This is not unusual actually. Most of the time I run they are out there in huts (seriously, that is one crazy hobby!). Today, the were out there in lawn chairs! I wished I had brought my camera.

It was a beautiful run. The weather was nice and sunny, and the view was wonderful, too.

As I was finishing my run, a stealth bomber flew over head.

I may complain about living in Papillion, but I think that is pretty cool.

As I returned inside and told Chris about the bomber, we went outside to see 2 fighter jets fly right over our home.

We never had that at our previous home.

Gotta love running here, that is for sure!

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