One of my many jobs of being a mommy is time management. Alivia has yet to be late to school (knock on wood), and we have worked real hard to maintain our morning routine. So, how do we stay on time every day?
First of all, I don't have to get myself ready. With that said, I usually do, but not until everyone else is ready. I have no where to go that I have to be dolled up that helps.
I always lay out the kids' clothes and make Alivia's lunch the night before. That way, if there is something they do not like, they tell me about it then instead of having a clothes and lunch meltdown in the morning. Alivia helps with clothes selection now, which helps too.
I usually get up shortly after Chris leaves in the morning (which is quite early) and run on the treadmill. Although I hate the treadmill, it helps me to wake up, get going, and feel like I can at least check that off my list before 7AM.
After running, I get the kids' breakfast set up, cereal in their bowls, juice in the cups, fruit on stand by.
Then, I wake up Alivia at 7 and Addison is usually awake. The kids get dressed while I make their beds. After I get Alivia's hair done, she can head downstairs and start breakfast while Addison gets ready. Asher usually sleeps in a bit. Alivia usually has her breakfast done 20 minutes before we need to leave so she can watch a little morning cartoons before school.
Ten minutes before it is time to leave, the kids all get their coats on, backpacks ready, and get in the car. The backpacks are usually ready to go the night before with the exception on Alivia's lunch, of course. I try to leave so that Alivia is at school around the time of her first bell. That way, if I am ever late, Alivia is not tardy.
Next year, we will have 2 in school, as we recently registered Addison. Asher will stay home with me another year before going to preschool. So, I have to get and stay organized if I am going to maintain this "on time" record well into the school years. Wish me luck!