Monday, January 31, 2011

Icy Day

Here are few pictures from our icy day. Tomorrow it sounds like I will have pictures from our snowy day. Gees, here we go again...snow day #3 for the year will be tomorrow.

Ice on the grass

Ice in the trees

Waiting for spring...

At least tomorrow January is over, right?

January 2011 in Review

Yeah...we survived cold January! It was actually kind of nice to stay inside and watch movies and play instead of being so busy after the Holidays. Addison is now 4 1/2, celebrating her 1/2 birthday this month. She continues her love for babies, really liking her American Girl bitty baby. She is perfecting her writing, using only her left hand while pointing for what she wants with her middle finger (what is up with that?). Alivia has completely improved her reading and says Math is her favorite subject. Asher still loves Mommy, tags in his clothes, and cocoa pebbles. We managed to get to the forest and the zoo, but skipped the germ invested Children's Museum after suffering from colds. And, we ended the month with an overnight stay at Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Bob's while Chris and I celebrated our 7th Catholic Anniversary.
Until next month...

January Pictures click here

Sunday, January 30, 2011

7th Catholic Wedding Anniversary Celebration...

Tomorrow is our 7th Anniversary of our Catholic Wedding. To celebrate, Chris lined up that the kids spend the night at his parents. So...what should we do together, without kids?

Chris took the kids to his parents yesterday afternoon while I ran errands. When I returned, Chris was out running, enjoying the warmer January weather.

Then we decided to do a little shopping. We shopped, unsuccessfully, for things that are not so easy to shop for with kids. For dinner, we went to Kobe. We had not been there in years. It is still a fun and good place to eat.

We enjoyed a quiet night at home watching movies and just relaxing.

Today we enjoyed sleeping in a bit, running in the freezing cold TOGETHER, before Chris was off to get the kiddos.

Chris and I have been married 11 1/2 years in all, just 7 for the Catholic wedding. The last couple months have been difficult on us. We needed some space alone to talk without interruption. With 3 small kids, talking without interruption is next to impossible.

Now, we can move forward to celebrate our love together...forever. Happy Anniversary Topher!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Running in Shadow Lake

It was an amazing 49 degrees today. Although I have been sick for a couple days, I took some Motrin, laced up my running shoes, and set out to enjoy this rarity in Nebraska during January.

As I ran around the lake, I found several ice fishermen. This is not unusual actually. Most of the time I run they are out there in huts (seriously, that is one crazy hobby!). Today, the were out there in lawn chairs! I wished I had brought my camera.

It was a beautiful run. The weather was nice and sunny, and the view was wonderful, too.

As I was finishing my run, a stealth bomber flew over head.

I may complain about living in Papillion, but I think that is pretty cool.

As I returned inside and told Chris about the bomber, we went outside to see 2 fighter jets fly right over our home.

We never had that at our previous home.

Gotta love running here, that is for sure!

The Gift

Monday is Chris and my 7th Catholic Wedding Anniversary (although we have been married officially for 11 1/2 years). As a gift to Chris, I hired a painter to paint our entry way.

Chris insisted he would do it. Without a fancy ladder, which I will get for the next gift, he could not paint our entryway easily. And, it would take him an entire weekend to do it, mostly alone.

I can see why people hire painters. It was so nice to hear the rollers moving and not be the one rolling. It was also nice to wake up, play with the kids, do some laundry, and have a painted room without lifting a brush. It is painted in Sherwin Williams Latte (the same color that we used in the family/living rooms and upstairs hallway).

It looks great! Chris was thrilled...mostly that he did not have to do it.

Now, let's hope we can celebrate this weekend without sneezing through everything...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

PE 101

The kids and I met our friends Heather and Braden at PE 101 this morning. It is winter, and what better place to go than a kids' gym. The kids had a blast running and jumping (and being thrown) into the foam pit, jumping on the trampoline, climbing the wall, and more! It was a fun morning of exercise and good kid play.

How am I going to top that? Oh, I can try...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Time Management

One of my many jobs of being a mommy is time management. Alivia has yet to be late to school (knock on wood), and we have worked real hard to maintain our morning routine. So, how do we stay on time every day?

First of all, I don't have to get myself ready. With that said, I usually do, but not until everyone else is ready. I have no where to go that I have to be dolled up that helps.

I always lay out the kids' clothes and make Alivia's lunch the night before. That way, if there is something they do not like, they tell me about it then instead of having a clothes and lunch meltdown in the morning. Alivia helps with clothes selection now, which helps too. 

I usually get up shortly after Chris leaves in the morning (which is quite early) and run on the treadmill. Although I hate the treadmill, it helps me to wake up, get going, and feel like I can at least check that off my list before 7AM.

After running, I get the kids' breakfast set up, cereal in their bowls, juice in the cups, fruit on stand by.

Then, I wake up Alivia at 7 and Addison is usually awake. The kids get dressed while I make their beds. After I get Alivia's hair done, she can head downstairs and start breakfast while Addison gets ready. Asher usually sleeps in a bit. Alivia usually has her breakfast done 20 minutes before we need to leave so she can watch a little morning cartoons before school.

Ten minutes before it is time to leave, the kids all get their coats on, backpacks ready, and get in the car. The backpacks are usually ready to go the night before with the exception on Alivia's lunch, of course. I try to leave so that Alivia is at school around the time of her first bell. That way, if I am ever late, Alivia is not tardy.

Next year, we will have 2 in school, as we recently registered Addison. Asher will stay home with me another year before going to preschool. So, I have to get and stay organized if I am going to maintain this "on time" record well into the school years. Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Winter Run

Snowman & Fort out on Shadow Lake

I love to run.

Maybe I should say I love to run outside.

I despise running on the treadmill.

Today was to get up to 20 degrees with little wind, at least in the morning before the snow, so I set out for a run with my camera.

There were little and big animal tracks in the new fallen snow. The air was crisp and fresh. I was not cold, actually got hot as I ran, stopping when I wanted to capture a picture along the way.

I feel much better after my run. It is amazing what a good run can do for a sad mood (I despise January in Nebraska, too!). And, I captured a few pictures, too. Now, for a little cup of cocoa.

Daily Shoot...Stripes

Bounce, Bounce, Jump!

Yesterday it was yet another freezing cold day here. So, the kids and I went to Bounce U to run around in their semi warm (it was actually freezing in there) building full of bouncers. They had both rooms open for open bounce adding to the fun. Addison played with her friend Lauren from preschool, who happened to be there at the same time. Asher played with his friend Keegan, and followed around Addison. The kids had so much fun that Addison cried that we were going home after 2 hours of play!

It was a fun morning followed by a nice nap in our cozy home. Now, I am on the hunt for more inside fun for next week.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Winter Walk Through the Forest

This morning after we took Alivia to school, Addison, Asher and I visited the forest. It was seriously cold, at 5 degrees WHEN WE LEFT the forest. Brrr! But, when I asked the kiddos if they wanted to go, they were so excited!

We started downstairs. The kids stacked blocks, I read them a winter story, put together puzzles and more. Then, they were ready to venture outside. We walked on the boardwalk around Acorn Acres looking for animal tracks. We spotted what I believe were fox tracks, turkey, and deer tracks. The kids were excited about that. Funny, they never complained about being cold.

We went back inside, had a little snack, and played downstairs a while longer. What a fun way to start the day!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Addison & The Things She Says...

Chris: "Addison, who was the first President of the United States?"
Addison "Jesus." Notice, she did not ask, she just told him it was Jesus.

Addison to Asher in the car 2 days ago:
Addison "Asher, do you remember Grandpa George? He is in Heaven now. He was nice man."
Just FYI...My Grandpa died 3 years ago when Addison was just 1 year old! Does she talk to him or something?

While we were watching "The Cat in the Hat" tonight, Addison told us,
"I would NEVER make that kind of a mess while you guys are out."

Thank goodness, Addison!!

She is so funny for a 4 year old little girl and will never cease to amaze us!

Our 3 year old Stock Buyer

Today, Asher became a stock trader, or at least stock buyer.

Every year, I buy the kids stock with their Christmas and birthday money. I know, perhaps that is not what their great grandparents and my parents have in mind with the money. But, they do not we are saving for their future. The kids do tell them in their thank you notes that they will be buying stock with the money, whatever that is.

This year, I decided to have the kids buy the stock themselves. Alivia decided she wants stock in McDonald's. She first said Justice, but who knew they are under the Dress Barn (Really?) and are not a recommended buy. So, her next choice was McDonald's. Addison, who has a lot of cash to spare in her account, wanted Von Maur, which is a privately owned company. So, I am looking at Mutual funds for her and perhaps a stock to mix in with her portfolio of companies like Google, Berkshire and Apple (Addison's portfolio is a rock star portfolio if I do say so myself. But, that is not saying much since I know absolutely NOTHING!).

And Asher, oh Asher, he bought his own stock today! Okay, he bought Apple stock before I heard that the CEO was taking an indefinite leave of absence for health reasons. That does not sound good. Hopefully I did not just throw away nearly $350 from his college fund (or he didn't!).

Now, back to shopping for stock. Humm...what to buy what to buy...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Off = Play Dates!

Today Alivia did not have school. So, Alivia decided to fill her day with play dates.

First, her friend Ellie from her previous school came over to play. Ellie walked into the house and it was like they just saw each other yesterday. It is so cute how well they get along. They played with play-doh, made projects with shrinky dinks and just played and caught up. They had a fun morning.

Alivia then watched Ramona and Beezus (which is a super cute movie based upon the book) before inviting Zoe over to play. Zoe lives practically next door to us and is over quite often.

As Zoe was leaving, Alivia had her friend Emma over. Alivia loves having Emma over and called her by herself. Too cute! Emma plays well with all three kids, and they all love having her over. We made more shrinky dinks, ate dinner and the kids watched part of another movie.

All is all, Alivia had a fun day. She clearly loves having friends come to play, and she now loves talking to them on the phone, too! I do believe we are in trouble...
Addison, Alivia and Ellie - looking alike!

Addison & Alivia waiting for Zoe