Friday, March 19, 2010

Finally...A Sunny Day!

Asher slidingTime for a Walk

Yesterday was beautiful, sunny, with temps in the 60's. Addison and Asher went shopping for spring clothes and a little retail therapy after preschool. Alivia has no clothes for spring and summer. I guess I did not want to move them last year or something. I don't  know why I did not buy her anything. It does not matter because things seem to go on sale well before the season actual gets here. Anyway, after some retail therapy, the kiddos took a nap until it was time to pick up Alivia. We took another walk up to the school. It is just up the hill 2 blocks and then west 2 blocks. It takes like 5 minutes maybe to walk there. So nice!

After arriving at home, the kids played and played and played outside until a little after 4. Then I thought it was safe to try and go and get the mail. This time, Alivia rode her bike while Addison and Asher rode in the wagon. We got the mail and then took a walk around the lake. The wagon is not the best thing to pull Addi and Asher in around the lake. My arms were a little sore by the time we got home

Once at home, the kiddos played in the backyard, asking where the playset is going to go. Seriously, who can remember how to put that thing back together? Alivia wanted to know when and where the fence was going. Well, at $10,000 for a vinyl fence, not sure if it is going. I mean with new fans, the closet project starting today, planting trees and landscaping, paint, new bedding....ugh...we are running out of funds! Seriously, who has $10,000 to invest in a plastic fence (we can only have vinyl or rod iron in our neighborhood). Anyway, they had fun.

We even went out after bath time and took another walk around the "block" just like old times. Although right now, our block is just a piece of grass our home is on. We know it will not be that way forever.

LOVE the sun! It was fabulous! Now, if we can just change the ratio of cloudy to sunny from 100:1 to 1:100 I will be happy. Oh and it's official...we no longer have any snow in our yard, at least until it snows later today!

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