Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Visit to Grandma & Grandpas

Asher cookingAddison playing houseAsher playing houseCaillou TimePounding the KeysBrrr!Cuddle TimeLooking at Pictures
As I was trying to schedule the events for this week when I realized that we had not been to my parents to visit since moving into our new home late November! Where did the time go? I guess we were so busy settling in, getting snowed in, and driving all over the place that we just did not make the trip. That is...until today.

I did not tell Addison and Asher what we were doing today until after we dropped off Alivia. I wanted to avoid disappointing Alivia since she was going to school. Addison and Asher were so excited that there was hardly a quiet moment between our house and my parents home. That was one long hour.

Upon arriving in Alaska, I mean at the farm in Iowa (one can be confused by the vast amount of snow everywhere), Addison and Asher quickly made their way to the stash of toys in the basement, played a little piano, and watch a little DVR'd Caillou. After a meaty lunch, we settled in to watch a home DVD. It was the last 3 months on DVD, and was very entertaining (and Chris shared a bit too much of himself! :) ).

We had a fun day! We are already planning on things to do this summer on or near the farm. Oh summer...we can hardly wait!

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