Saturday, December 06, 2008

Alivia at 4 1/2

Alivia had her half birthday on November 25. We kinda let this one slip by without much recognition. Although I do not want to let the time pass without updating on what Alivia is up to.

Alivia has matured a lot since turning 4. She no longer has her intense fear of noise. Yeah! She went to her first movie in the theatre and loved it! She loves to watch movies at home now, like Toy Story, Polar Express, and The Wizard of Oz. She also loves to laugh to Tom and Jerry and Curious George. As she has gotten older, she is sharing better with her sister and helps more with Asher. She likes to play babies with Addison, do each others hair, read books, play in their closets and stay up late running back and forth from each others rooms (not so happy about that last one). The 2 of them will play endlessly somedays, while others want nothing to do with one another. Alivia did pick afternoon preschool (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) so that she would not miss any play time with Addison. She likes to walk Asher while holding his hands and carry him (although he is soo heavy, he is getting far to big for this now).

Alivia takes pride in her counting abilities...she counts until I say, "Okay, that's enough for now." She also likes to write her name and draw and color pictures. She can color for a long time during quiet time some days. Alivia is quite timid amongst her peers, but warms up quickly to new family members (like Cousin Dave and Cousin Rodney who we rarely see).

Alivia's favorites:
To do: Watch movies, play with Piper our cat, play with Addison, color
Foods: Totinos Pizza (yuck!), grapes, mandarin oranges, cocoa puffs on weekends, and dessert
To Go: The desert dome at the zoo, the Children's Museum, open swim at the ymca
Etc: Likes pink, her hair in braids, dressing exactly like Addison, Sunday School and Preschool, talking endlessly sometimes about nothing.

Washing her hair, combing her hair, outfits that are not all pink, and most foods (she is almost as picky as Chris and I are!).

Happy 1/2 Birthday, Alivia! 

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