Saturday, April 12, 2008

21 months ago...


...Addison was brought into this world. So hard to believe that she will be 2 in only 3 months! Things we love about Addison...

...Hugs & Kisses, blowing kisses, cuddle time, her many taggies (along with her thumb in her mouth), her big smile, her loud scream as she runs through the house, how she says, "Hello Asher," every morning and pats his hair (oh, I love that!), how she tells me now when she wants a new diaper because it is wet or when there is, "poo in there, Mama," her endless chatting in her own little language, her gentle touch with all of her baby dolls, how kind she is to Alivia & Asher (she runs to them and hugs them if they cry and sits with Alivia when she is in time-out), her need to sometimes play alone, although she is a Mommy's girl - she is growing into playtime with Daddy, when she runs to Asher to give him his binky (although he does not typically take it from her) & if he does not want it how she puts Asher's binky in her mouth! She is surprisingly the little leader around here. She leads and Alivia follows. Funny how we thought that would be the other way around. We love how she says all of her words, too many words to list, but our favorites are Alivia, Asher, Mama, Daaa eee (Daddy), Piper, Thank-you, Peeese (please), owwwcch (ouch), night-night, & I love you.

What Addison likes now adays...

...Play-doh, coloring, markers, baby dolls, stroller rides, helping unload the dishwasher, helping make lunch or dinner, baking with Mommy (especially if chocolate chips are involved) & playing with Alivia & Polly Pockets. She likes to run and climb on everything. She is constantly falling and hurting herself because she thinks she is a big girl already.

Addison went back on milk this week & appears to be doing okay (no hives). Her favorite foods are broccoli, peas, califlower, pizza, yogurt, oranges, grilled cheese, macaroni, with muddy buddies being her favorite snack. Although it is cute to hear her say "cookie," Addison would eat broccoli over any cookie we would give her. She is usually a pretty good eater.

Oh, we are seeing our baby girl grow into a toddler. Oh, makes me sad. Why can't she stay 1 forever? 


Addison "feeds" AsherShopping AddisonCheese with Grilled cheese!Time for Sit Ups!Alivia & Addison on balance beam


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