Where did the time go...our little baby Alivia is now 6 years old! 6 years ago our 4lb little baby girl was born and changed our lives.
Today she is a busy little girl. She is very organized and is quite good at keeping her room straightened. With that said, she is a collector. She has 2 drawers full of her "collections," that I am constantly cleaning out. She has major opinions about her clothes. She rarely will wear jeans, preferring leggings. She does like comfy clothes while at home (don't we all), but she likes to dress nice for school. Her greatest interest is making art projects, drawing, coloring, working on her workbook, making people cards and reading. Alivia also likes to get away from Addison and Asher and watch ICarly, Spongebob and Victorious on Nic. Perhaps it is her age, but Alivia really needs her alone time and her space at times. She can only take so much and she just needs to get away on her own. With that said, she is not going to like my no TV policy during the day during the summer!
Alivia, as probably most kids do, has changed a lot by going to Kindergarten. She is still very timid and shy and probably could have benefited from maturing a bit and going NEXT YEAR! She has done well in school, but she is very quiet. Making friends at Bell has been hard on her too. We are hoping the summer break and a fresh start to next year will help her.
After having celebrated on Saturday with her friends and Sunday with our family, Alivia celebrated yesterday at school because the school had down that her birthday was on the 24! Today she passed out M&M cookies as treats at school and they sang to her again. Then...we celebrated again!
For Alivia's 6th Birthday, she wanted to get her ears pierced. We attempted this a few months ago, but Alivia was too afraid (and I did not think she was ready anyway). Today I picked her up from school and went right to Sweet and Sassy in Shadow Lake. Alivia selected her earrings and began to ask questions. They pierced both ears at the same time (so helpful!), and it was over before she realized it. I was shocked! We will totally be going back there when Addison wants her ears pierced. Alivia was sprayed with some cotton candy spray, got a sparkle star on her face, and a scrapbook page to bring home, too. Now, our little girl has little flower earrings in! She looks so much older. I'm not sure I was ready for that!
Next Alivia had swimming lessons. She is in week 2 of a nightly swim camp. Although swimming after getting your ears pierced is probably not a good idea, we did not have a problem...at least tonight. As an added surprise, all of the classes came together to swim in a circle to say Happy Birthday to Alivia...how cool is that!
After swimming, it was time for a pizza party at Mama's Pizza Midtown where Alivia had selected to go for her birthday dinner. We invited her Grandparents to come, too! It was a fun night.
Then, finally, after arriving home, Alivia was able to "open" one more present...A new desk! Alivia had a desk, but it was actually my old desk that I used when I worked outside the home. This one is one we found during Berkshire days and works better for storage for all her "collections." She started filling the drawers with her art supplies and special books immediately. Addison, on the other hand, went crying to her room because she wanted a desk, too! I guess I can do without a desk for a while longer.
What a day for a 6 year old...School, getting her ears pierced, swimming, Mamas, and a new desk! And, I still have not gotten used to the fact that she is 6!
Happy 6th Birthday Alivia! We love you, Baby Girl!
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